Michigan’s Central Registry is a concerning aspect of CPS investigations and can prohibit you from being able to volunteer in your child’s school, or workaround, or with children. Being placed on the Central Registry is done by a CPS worker and their supervisor by tallying up points from a worksheet called a ‘risk assessment.’ This assessment in most regards is arbitrarily scored at the pleasure of the CPS worker, and they will frequently manipulate the answers to get the result they want. If you’ve been placed on the Michigan Central Registry, you have 180 days to petition to be removed. If you don’t get the petition within that time, you will be kept on the Registry for either 10 years, or life, depending on the circumstances. Thankfully, the Michigan Central Registry is getting a bit more recognition from the media, which may help to shed some light on this dark aspect of the Child Protection Laws.
Child Protective Services (CPS) investigations in Bay City, Michigan can have a horrendous effect on a family; particularly children. They often result in caseworker, police, and court involvement, involve the suspension or elimination of parental rights, and can permanently tarnish not only your reputation but destroy your family as well. If you have been placed on the Michigan Central Registry you need to know what your rights and responsibilities are to being able to deal with a CPS investigation.
Brian Jean is our Child Protected Services (CPS) and the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) expert. He knows how tough the system can be on families and their children, and he will fight that system every step of the way. His zealous representation of parents against CPS has earned him a reputation sought all over the state. He frequently is able to defeat a CPS investigation before it begins and has helped many families remain intact from the intruding reach of the government.
Check out the Protective Services Manual and read up on what you should know about what workers can and cannot do. Beyond that, reaching out to an experienced and knowledgeable CPS lawyer before speaking to a worker can have a massive impact on how an investigation may conclude. Don’t try and fight CPS alone. You need aggressive representation from the very start.
If you have been placed on the Michigan Central Registry and need questions answered, call Triton Legal Today!